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Cole Galloway: Designing Environments for Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation

Cole Galloway: Designing Enviorments for Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation

Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview

Cole is a physical therapists, a professor, a researcher, an innovator, a social justice advocate and a neuroscientist with a post doc in developmental psychology. He is changing the world of rehabilitation using enriched environments for brain neuroplasticity and he is on a mission to make technology not only functional, but beautiful and affordable. Get the real story behind GoBabyGo, The GoBabyGo Cafe, Harness House and Gravity.

Cole's research goal is: To advance technologies so all people can create their world via independent mobility.

I love tech, I love mobility and neurorehabilitation and I love how Cole puts all of these together in the most real world, reachable way. Find out why outpatient neurorehab is a dead dinosaur and why "shrink it and pink it" is what's wrong with pediatric practice today. Cole's advice is not only out of the box, but cutting edge.

Scroll down to the podcast player to listen or find us on iTunes or Stitcher.

For handy links to things we've discussed in this interview, scroll down to the Resources Section below the podcast player.

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The Podcast: Listen, enjoy, share...

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Time Stamps (drag the cursor along the sound wave - might only work on desktop)

  • Early mentors 06:30

  • Baby robots - the birth of GoBabyGo 11:05

  • GoBabyGo's most recent research outcomes & "The Fun Index" 17:34

  • The Big Red Switch and what's wrong with industry 19:49

  • Out-patient neuro's a Dead Dinosaur 22:37

  • Don't just "Shrink It & Pink It"" 24:08

  • Starting the body-weight support harness system & Harness Hangouts 24:45

  • The most advanced "thing" in science & what's wrong with the clinic 28:26

  • Connect & share knowledge around the world with GoBabyGo Connect 34:09

  • Cole's advice to his sons and to therapists 37:37

  • Questions

  • Info about GoBabyGo Courses 41:00

  • Motor skills required for powered mobility 41:40

  • Getting pediatric powered mobility equipment funded in the US 44:35

  • What about poor alignment and movement quality in the harness 45:52

  • Overuse injuries 50:38

  • Who is noteworthy 52:40

  • How Cole innovates 54:44

  • Best Books and other learning sources 57:12

  • Best advice for new therapists 39:50 / 57:40

  • Developing excellence 59:35

  • Doing research right (how to be innovative & significant) 1:03:23




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