Scroll down for the podcast and links to all good things discussed in the interview
Nancy Hylton is one of the most influential physical therapists in the world of dynamic orthotics. She has been key in bringing us both SPIO compression garments and Cascade dynamic foot orthoses. She is a brilliant example of a therapist whose clinical skills and intuitive analysis of movement has directed her interventions and paved the way for new approaches (and new research).
Nancy's passion and unique take on therapy made this interview so much fun to do! It's jam packed with practical advice and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we have as therapists working in childhood disability - make sure you find the time to listen to this one!
There was so many things we covered in this interview that we couldn't cover everything in depth. If you'd like to dig a bit deeper into these topics, scroll down to the Resources Section to find the links
and if you'd like to be inspired with weekly with snippets of brilliance from this interview and others, sign up for Seriously Smart Snippets here
The Podcast: Listen, enjoy, share...
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Time Stamps (drag the cursor along the sound wave - might only work on desktop)
An ideal environment for growing clinical skills 05:20
An introduction to Bobath therapy 06:27
Strength building for parents 08:42
Thoughts on NDT 11:05
Thoughts on Cransiosacral therapy 12:47
What's a Giant Water Bed got to do with it 13:46
How to start with an assessment 17:15
An intuitive evaluation tool 18:06
Motor learning 20:20
Dyspraxia & Spastiticy 20:47
Biomechanics 24:00
Spio 26:00
Research 29:00
Misconceptions and changing paradigms 30:53 / 43:07
What to do about plantarflexion 34:31 / 39:39
Using the stays in the SPIO suit 20:47
Problem solving orthotics 37:04
An old rule about motion 39:10
The sensory piece 39:36
Cascades & DAFO's 44:34
Where & when to allow movement 45:25 + lots more
SPIO & ASD 54:02
How early can you start with SPIO 54:02
Spinal tumor
Brachial Plexsus
Down Syndrome
More on toe-walking & orthotics 57:25
The Mollii suit experience & motor learning 1:1:14
Best advice for new therapists (and not so new therapists) 1:4:52
Developing excellence 1:6:34
Bonus - Activating the auditory-motor system (with Dr Karen Pape) 1:9:56
NB! SPIO are very keen to facilitate research, please contact Christie@spioworks.com who will be happy to help support any research ideas or activities where possible.

People Mentioned
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Other good stuff
Postural and Functional Impact of Dynamic AFOs and FOs in a Pediatric Population, Hylton Nancy M. R.P.T. JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics: October 1989 - Volume 2 - Issue 1 - ppg 40-53
The development and use of SPIO Lycra compression bracing in children with neuromotor deficits. Hylton N, Allen C.; Pediatr Rehabil. 1997 Apr-Jun;1(2):109-16.
Book Mentions:
Shumway-Cook and Woollacott: Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice
Please note: book links go through to Amazon Affiliate Program
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