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Susie and Jane

Susie and Jane

Hippotherapy for Physical and Occupational Therapists working in Neurodisability

Karen Kangas

Karen Kangas

Transformative Therapies for Children with Complex Disabilities

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Click image for more info

A clinician-first event for therapists who strive for excellence.

James Sulzer

James Sulzer

The Research and Reality of Neuro-rehabilitation

Dr. Susan Barry

Dr. Susan Barry

Pioneering Neuroscientist and Vision Therapy Advocate

Kelsie Olds

Kelsie Olds

The Occuplaytional Therapist

Kelly Mahler

Kelly Mahler

Interoception in Neurodevelopment for occupational and phyical therapists

Dr. Fiona Graham

Dr. Fiona Graham

Occupational Peformance Coaching for Therapists

Julie Vaughan-Graham

Julie Vaughan-Graham

The Bobath Concept

Gerti Motavalli and Dr Gad Alon

Gerti Motavalli and Dr Gad Alon

Spinal Stimulation in Spina Bifida

Billi Cusick

Billi Cusick

TheraTogs- Research for Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapists

Per Øllgaard

Per Øllgaard

Custom Solutions for Addressing Heel Pain in children - A Conversation for Pediatric PTs

Dr. Reggie Edgerton and Dr. Susan Hastings

Dr. Reggie Edgerton and Dr. Susan Hastings

Spiral Neuromodulation in Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation for Physical and Occupational Therapists

Bronwen Scott

Bronwen Scott

Orientation & Mobility (O&M) and Brain-based Vision Impairment (CVI)

The Myth of Evidence Based Practice

The Myth of Evidence Based Practice

EBP is just a term these days used to more accurately describe PBP

Read with Caution: NDT/Bobath for Pediatric OTs and PTs (Part-2)

Read with Caution: NDT/Bobath for Pediatric OTs and PTs (Part-2)

Efficacy does not equal effectiveness and meta-analyses are problematic in this regard.

Julie Hannan Perfect

Julie Hannan Perfect

Pediatric Standing, Gait Development & Treatment

Dawn Sandalcidi

Dawn Sandalcidi

All things bowel and bladder for pediatric OTs and PTs

Brigid Driscoll

Brigid Driscoll

Aligning physical therapy and orthotics in pediatrics

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Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel

The 9 Essentials: Unleash the brain with Neuromovement©

Jean-Pierre Maes and M.A.E.S Therapy

Jean-Pierre Maes and M.A.E.S Therapy

A New Paradigm for Therapists

Prof. Peter Rosenbaum

Prof. Peter Rosenbaum

Everything changes when you know the F-Words!

Susan Hastings

Susan Hastings

WBV, FES and other cutting edge approaches

Therapy Online

Therapy Online

A workbook for therapists about using technology to support kids and families online.

Sarah Clayton

Sarah Clayton

Therapeutic Positioning and Body Symmetry Specialist

Colleen Peyton, PT, DPT

Colleen Peyton, PT, DPT

Prectl General Movement Assessment for PTs and OTs

Mary Massery, PT, DPT, DSc

Mary Massery, PT, DPT, DSc

Bridging physiology and physical therapy for function

Susan Blum - Physical Therapist

Susan Blum - Physical Therapist

Developer of the TMR Tots and Teens approach.

Oren Steinberg

Oren Steinberg

Developing Apps to help parents and therapists with home programs

Esther de Ru: PT

Esther de Ru: PT

Author / Instructor on Kinesiotaping, Scoliosis & Skin

Dr Cylie Williams: Podiatrist

Dr Cylie Williams: Podiatrist

The best evidence for paediatric feet and Idiopathic Toe Walking

Cole Galloway PhD, FAPTA

Cole Galloway PhD, FAPTA

Reinventing Rehabilitation and Mobility

Pia Stampe PT, DPT

Pia Stampe PT, DPT

Intensives and innovative therapy approaches

Nancy Hylton, PT

Nancy Hylton, PT

Inventor of SPIO and Cascades

Dr Brian Hoare, OT

Dr Brian Hoare, OT

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy and translating research to practice.

Kim Barthel, OT

Kim Barthel, OT

Inspiration and wisdom from an extraordinary Occupational Therapist

Karen Pape, MD, FRCPC

Karen Pape, MD, FRCPC

It's not good enough! You can and should expect better recovery with neuorplasticity in brain injuries

Judy Carmick Physical Therapist

Judy Carmick Physical Therapist

Task Specific Electrical Stimulation - the best substitute for a magic wand

Shelley Mannell Physical Therapist

Shelley Mannell Physical Therapist

Core Requirements: The Dynamic Core, Vestibular and Visual Systems.

Liesa Ritchie-Persaud

Liesa Ritchie-Persaud

Top Tips and Tools for Treating Toe-WalkingKnow To Change Idiopathic Toe Walking

Billi and her femur

Billi and her femur

On Theratogs and how to work anything out

Leaders & Influencers

Leaders & Influencers

Get top tips from leaders in the field

Jo-Anne Weltman Physiotherapist

Jo-Anne Weltman Physiotherapist

Cuevas MEDEK Exercise in neuromotor rehabilitation for pediatric physical therapy



in the under 2's

The ABC's of NDT

The ABC's of NDT

Is it time to throw Bobath out with the bathwater?

Parenting with CP

Parenting with CP

Mum's talk about living life well with their kids with CP

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Hot Topics

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Academic's Hangout

Academic's Hangout

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wiredONdevelopment for therapists in childhood neurodisability

Established 2016

Pediatric Home Exercise Programs

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