Empowering Movement: Karen Kangas on Transformative Therapies for Children with Complex Disabilities
Karen Kangas Occupational Therapist Adjunct University Faculty Seating, Positioning, and Mobility Specialist Clinical, Educator...
Specializing in Neurodisability: Bobath Therapy for Pediatric PTs and OTs with Prof. Margaret J Mayston
Why, despite the poor evidence, do intelligent, scientifically minded, educated and experienced therapists still value Bobath/NDT? Or do the
Revising our Understanding of the Evidence and the Practice of Bobath/NDT with Julie Vaughan-Graham
Julie Vaughan-Graham PT, PhD Advanced IBITA Instructor (Honorary Life Member 2020) Founder, Physio-Logic and iNeuroRehab Assistant...
Jean-Pierre Maes: A blueprint for excellence in neuromotor rehabilitation
Jean-Pierre Maes gives us the insider's view on developing his approach along with a blueprint for developing clinical excellence.